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The “GREEN Revisited: Encountering Emerging Naturecultures” (GREEN) project reconsiders pervasively used notion “green” that is symbolically associated with “natural”, claiming that such superficial notions are used to symbolically mask the increasing technical manipulations of nature and environment. The GREEN project aims to build new European media art and culture platform for critical discussions, artistic interventions and transcultural dialogue addressing the complexity of our relations with the environment and fostering new discourses on “naturecultures” capable of overcoming the dualism between the human and nature.

In order to achieve the project goals, RIXC and other partners will be organizing an event programme, taking place throughout the Europe:


A series of dynamic, thematically related yet diverse events like workshops, residencies and public programs will be organized throughout Europe to develop the conceptual framework, to maintain artist mobility, and to support artistic creation, co-productions and workshops.

2. Exhibitions

By an active involvement of all the participants in organizational and exchange activities we want to support creation of new artworks and to maintain the circulation of artworks transnationally that would reach wider public.


Larger scale events will be professional gatherings such as conferences which  will be organized with a main purpose to reach new audiences and to explore the new “natureculture” paradigm that suggests to bridge the historically developed gap between “nature” and “culture”.


Partners: RIXC Center for New Media Culture (Latvia), Baltan Laboratories (The Netherlands), Emmetrop (France), Oslo MET(Norway), Zavod Projekt Atol (Slovenia), Media Lab of Aalto University (Finland), Liepaja University (Latvia).


+371 67228478 (office)

+371 26546776 (Rasa Smite)

+371 25358541 (Līva Siliņa)