Rasa Smite and Raitis Smits participate in exhibition, and launch new collaborative research project in Oslofjord.
RAM Gallery, Oslo, Norway
RISK CHANGE is related to contemporary migrations and continuous social and cultural change in 21th Century the geopolitical focus on EU and neighboring countries.
01.066.2016. - 01.06.2020.
Malta, Hungary, Latvia, The Netherlands, Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, Belgium
RIXC artists Rasa Smite and Raitis Smits in spring 2016 were visiting ETC Solar Park, Katrineholm Konshtall and Stockholm Technical Museum, seeking for a venue for their live installation.
02.05.2016 - 08.05.2016
Stockholm, Katrineholm, Sweden
Project aims to invent new avenues for developments of tomorrow – in culture and creative sector on the European level
01.06.2015 - 31.12.2017.
The Netherlands, France, Norway, Spain, Finland, Latvia
From August 19th to 30th symposium 3D BioLab : TRANSFORMATIVE ECOLOGIES takes place at Europe Culture capital 2015 - Mons.
August 19-30, 2015
Mons, Belgium
Response to unstable situation of this moment, which requires constant and rapid changes in culture and art sector and finding new, innovate solutions for more sustainable future
09.2014 - 03.2016
Latvia, Norway, Iceland
Changing weathers network responses to geophysical, geopolitical and technological shifts across Europe
Latvia, Slovenia, The Netherlands, Norway, Austria
October 8 - 10, 2015
Riga and Liepaja, Latvia
On its 17th edition, previosly known as the "Art+Communication", the RIXC's annual festival manifests the "post-media" situation by changing its title and focus.
October 8 - 10, 2015
Riga and Liepaja, Latvia
Starting from the Easter week there wil be an exhibition “Green room” at Technical University of Stockholm - Rasa Smite and Raitis Smits will present “Biotricity” - the starting project of “Pound battery”
April 10 - July 10, 2015
Stockholm, Sweden